Wednesday, August 29, 2012


ISLDN Members:

The UCEA preliminary program link is now available at:

As you will see, there are several session devoted to the ISLDN:
  • Thursday, November 15, 8:00 to 12:00 is our pre-session planning meeting. It will be held at the Denver City Marriott/Colorado A Room. Howard Stevenson and I will prepare an agenda and distribute it for your review and input prior to the meeting.
  • Thursday, November 15, 2:00-3:10, “International Perspectives on ‘High Need Schools’: Implications for Leadership Preparation and Development,” is in the Denver City Marriott/Denver 6 Room. This is the international community-building session organized by Gary Crow and David Gurr focusing on our work on the high-need schools strand.
  • Saturday, November 17, 2:00-3:20, “Making Sense of Social Justice: An International Exploration of School Leader Perspectives,” is scheduled in the Denver City Marriott/Colorado G Room. This international community-building session will highlight the work of the social justice strand that Howard Stevenson is coordinating.

There also is another opportunity for us to showcase the ISLDN. On Sunday from 8:00 to 3:00 the University of Denver is hosting the inaugural “International Summit,” which will be a highly-interactive event at their campus using a variety of telepresence and videoconferencing capabilities. Our own Mika Risku will be the featured keynote presenter in the morning. Susan Korach, a DU faculty member, has been instrumental in securing the facilities for us. Susan, Michelle Young, Tom Alsbury, and I are coordinating the event. We have been invited to share our work about the ISLDN from 11:00 to noon. We have not made any specific plans for this session, and would like to determine: (a) who is available to attend and (2) how we might structure the session. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can attend. Even if you cannot, your input about the content/format would be most appreciated.